Born October 8th, 1957 in Detroit Michigan, Mister B has been working with children professionally as a teacher and through a variety of volunteer organizations for over twenty five years.

He is a husband, father, musician, storyteller and avid bird watcher.  Mister B holds a Bachelor's degree in history and  received his teaching certificate through Oakland University in Rochester Michigan.  He is currently working on his Master's in Education.  Mister B  is the author of six published children's books and is currently employed as a district substitute teacher with the  L 'Anse Creuse School District in Macomb County Michigan.

Scott Bosek (Mister B)

W​​ell these made my day! Here's some wonderful comments from my "Stories From Mister B." Facebook page...

"...Mr. Bosek I didn't know we lived that close to you. My son knows you through Graham elementary and loves your books. We read them nightly. Thank you for the great job. You get him excited to read."

"My grandkids enjoy his stories soo much ... They all have a very good message... My grandkids wanted all his books and they have read them many times. Very engaging and makes them enjoy reading! I am saving all of Mister B’s books for my newest grandson... so he can benefit from his great stories and good lessons. Well done Mister B!!!!"

"Just read The Cemetery to the big kids, they loved hearing about the farm from your perspective..."